Beausoleil First Nation - Land Use Policies

  • Sandy Graham Ferry

    Sandy Graham Ferry

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Client: Beausoleil First Nation
Task: Policy Development
Capacity Development
Skills: Workshop Facilitation
Conservation / Smart Growth Planning
Policy Development
Policy Analysis

Incite Planning has worked with Beausoleil First Nation to help resolve many interrelated land-use issues.  We endeavoured to create land use policies that reflect both the Land and the People who live there.

I - Duty to Consult and Accommodate Handbook
There is an intensive use of the community’s traditional territory by the wider society.  This has increased the need for a rigorous response by the First Nation.  Thus, we were retained to research the policy implications of Consultation and to help facilitate several community meetings to listen to the concerns of community members regarding Accommodation.  We prepared a Handbook for the First Nation, along with background materials for staff, Chief & Council, and community members.

II - Dispute Resolution Policy
Incite Planning examined different ways to address property issues which may arise between neighbours within the community.  This involved researching dispute resolution methods and writing a Policy to resolve conflicts arising from the individual use of land.

III – SAR Recovery Action Plan
Incite Planning was also involved in efforts to protect Ice-Aged Grass (Aristida basiramea), also referred to as Gchi-gete’ii Mkomii-miishkoons in the Anishinaabemowin language of Beausoleil First Nation.  We researched all the available background documentation on this endangered species.  We provided assistance to the consulting biologist and the community’s Environmental Specialist trainee, to monitor some of the remaining sub-population habitats that occur on Christian Island.  As part of the national Recovery Strategy prepared for Gchi-gete’ii Mkomii-miishkoons (Forked Three-awned Grass/Aristida basiramea), we drafted a Recovery Plan according to its particular biological and ecological characteristics, and the culture and intentions unique to this locale, including a stewardship of conservation land agreement form for property owners.  It was strategic in approach, assigning tasks and targets, and followed Community Development and Conservation Planning principles, with community members vetting the plan.

 IV – Land Acquisition Policy
The issue of the Council acquisition of lands held under Certificates of Possession is a delicate matter.  We revised and updated a dormant policy and manual that addressed the transfers of land between the First Nation and its members.  The resulting Acquisition Policy included a community consultation process and briefs to Chief & Council.